Sure, strip clubs step out of the ordinary of everyday existence, and are a place where men and women like to come to get in touch with their nauthgty side.
But this doesn’t mean that your friendly neighbourhood strip club doesn’t have its standards of etiquette. In fact, most strip clubs the world over expect certain standards of courtesy to be applied when entering their venue, and the same goes for Sydney table dancing clubs.
Of course you’re here to have a great, cheeky time, but please be courteous of the following expectations when visiting the strip club:
- You should have a dance or two: Sure, you’ve paid coverage to enter the venue, but it’s also courteous to pay for a dance or two so that all staff can keep getting paid.
- Be polite if uninterested: If a girl offers you a dance and you’re not interested you don’t have to be rude – all you have to say is a simple “no, thank you” and move onto the girl you would like to receive a dance from.
- It’s nice to tip: if you’re sitting around the stage watching the same – or multiple girls – do dance routines then a cheeky tip here or there doesn’t go astray.
- Acquaint yourself with other staff: Whilst the starring attraction is the dancers, there is no harm in tipping or being friendly to the bartenders, bouncers, door people and managers who work at the strip club. They can all help you enjoy your evening more if you are courteous.
- Try to be well presented: Most strip clubs have dress codes and standards of hygiene that may be the difference between you being let in in the first place or being approached by the girl you would like to entertain you. So, try not to come strolling in wearing your old trackies and a ripped-up shirt, or come in without having a shower – you will be in for a boring old time (if you get in at all!).
- Don’t show up blind drunk: Sure, strip clubs are part of the broader nightlife establishment, and alcohol is expected to be consumed. But this isn’t a place where absolute inebriation is acceptable. It is a place where respect should be shown and, unfortunately, this expectation often flies out the window when someone is too intoxicated.
- Know the house rules: Strip clubs and their rules vary from spot to spot, so it’s important to ask your stripteuses, bartenders, bouncers, door people etc. if you are unsure of the amount of mileage (contact) you can have at the place.
- Don’t touch if not allowed: If you’re allowed to touch the dancer they will tell you – it’s that simple. Otherwise, just be a gentleman and keep your hands to yourself, as just because you are paying for a dance it doesn’t mean you can start getting grabby – you might be after a different service if that’s the case.
- Don’t ask for the digits: Dancers are working; they’re not on Tinder IRL. Please don’t ask dancers for their numbers – if they haven’t given you any reason to ask then there is a good chance they are not looking for it! That’s most likely nothing on you – they are just working and this should always be respected.
- Don’t ask for their real names: Strip dancers are just as entitled to the anonymity many club goers seek when they visit the strip club. So, please, avoid asking your dancer for their real name – it’s typically not something they want to give out.